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Evitbe Eventsystem - partner for digital eventhandling

Professionell partner för digital eventhantering - eventsystem, eventhantering, event management Stockholm, Göteborg, Sverige

Evitbe are experts in handling and developing corporate event management and digital communication on a global market.
The best relationships are the ones that last over time – we are convinced that the business functions must have the same starting point.



We care for high quality and reliable deliveries. We ensure this theoretically, technically and personally.


Large companies and professional clients want world class service. We are inspired by this.


With secure IT solutions, we manage the companies’ most important assets – brand, customers and staff. We are GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliant and store all data in Sweden.
Nicklas Utgren

Do you want to know more?

Nicklas Utgren

CEO and sales
+46 703-212930

Awesome Design

We create designs that reflect the company’s brand and graphic profile for the entire communication flow, from the invitation to follow-up.


The realization of what customers do and want is a success factor. Data and analysis functions support their own conclusions.

Event Automation

We believe in automation and have a toolbox with triggers that streamline the event flow.

Communication Channels

Communicate via multi channels such as web, e-mail, SMS and apps. You manage and have control in one place.

Time To Market

We have short lead times and smart features that minimize your TTM.


We can act as a strategic supplier over time or as an extra resource before, during and after a specific project. Or tailored to your needs.